Family affairs can cometimes leave you helpless and emotionally drained. Our Family Law practice group is able to understand and address our clients' concerns to assist them in achieving the best possible solution. Regardless of whether you are considering a divorce or an application for a personal protection order, our team of compassionate and dedicated lawyer will be at hand to alleviate the stress of your current predicament. Our specialized team of family lawyers are experienced in all areas of family law, including but not limited to:
- Uncontested and Contested Divorce Proceedings
- Nullity Proceedings
- Drafting of Prenuptial and Postnuptial (Marital) Agreements
- Drafting of Deed of Separation
- Interim Custody, Care and Control and Access (Guardianship of Infants Act) Applications
- Interim Maintenance Applications (MSS)
- Family Violence Proceedings (PPO)
- Variation Applications
- Injunction Applications
- Cross-Border Divorces